Want to know how US companies can hire people, without having to set up shop locally?

Gepubliceerd op 28 januari 2022 om 13:12

Here are a few key takeaways:

  • It is possible to hire people in Belgium throughout the US company, without having to set up shop in Belgium.
  • The US company must sign a (Belgian) employment contract with the employee. Besides an employment contract, the US company must also put work rules in place (much like a company handbook).
  • The US company must join a payroll provider to process salaries and to pay the necessary social and income taxes.
  • Finally, the US company must register with the National Social Security Office and conclude a work accident insurance with a Belgian insurance company. Usually, US companies join a Belgian payroll provider, which can handle most of these requirements on behalf of the company and will act as spokesperson regarding the social security and tax authorities.

All this usually takes 2-4 weeks and will cost about 5,000 USD and up (excl. VAT) to set up.

HR Legal has a particular expertise in assisting US companies taking their first steps into the Belgian market.

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